DB (local) Calendar

If you need to show upcoming events but do not want to use a Google Calendar, you can use our Databse (DB) Calendar system. Our DB calendar is a way of creating and organising events through your website admin. It automatically displays events in agenda/list view for maximum accessibility.


School closed to all year groups.


School closed to all year groups.

KS1 Parachuting

Years 1 and 2 have nearly completed their parachute training and will be making their first free fall jump from a helicopter over the school playing field.

This should be rather exciting!



School closed to all year groups.

Zoo Visit

We are excited to let you know about our Zoo visit for Key Stage 2 children.

  • Year 3 will be feeding the crocodiles
  • Year 4 will be petting the lions
  • Year 5 will be snake wrangling

We will be sure to upload photos and video to the school website gallery.


Fire Breathing Classes

We will be teaching the children to breathe fire. Parents are asked to send their children to school with the following items please:

  • Small can of petrol or lighter fuel
  • Box of matches
  • Clothes that you don't mind getting a bit burnt