
A website is a great way of showing what your club is all about and what you get upto.

The news area can be used to to share what's happening and show that your club is lively and interesting. It's important to keep your news page updated as a news page that is not regularly updated can lead people to believe that the club is not active.

The event management feature is a convenient way of keeping your members up to date with upcoming activities. We have convenient tools so that you can easliy add and amend a public schedule of events; alternatively you might choose to use a Google Calendar to manage your events and important dates, and we can embed your Google Calendar(s) directly on your site.

The Machew CMS also offers an optional membership system wherby certain pages can be made available only to members of the club. Our admin tools alow you to add and remove people from your membership list.

Our photo gallery enables you to share images with your website visitors and YouTube videos can be added to any page, so its a fantastic way of sharing your club activities.